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Your idea is our mission
Whether you have questions about glass packaging, design, new technologies in the glass market or information about the current market reputation; our sales consultants are strongly solution-oriented, close to the customer and will give you the best advice. Our sales consultants are regularly trained and therefore have all the knowledge necessary to provide you with the best advice.
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Our sales consultants

Besse Christelle
TABLE GLASSESBesse Christelle
Téléphone:+41 79 531 38 45

Burgat Olivier
Head of Sales Swiss Romandie and ValaisBurgat Olivier
Head of Sales Swiss Romandie and ValaisPhone:+41 79 273 16 50

Chudy Loïc
International SalesChudy Loïc
International Salesphone::+41 79 524 72 19

Erismann Joel
Mobile:+41 79 274 45 33

La Rocca Marcello
Tessin & Suisse alémaniqueLa Rocca Marcello
Tessin & Suisse alémaniqueResponsable de ventes Suisse allemande & Tessin
Phone:+41 52 355 39 41
Mobile:+41 79 447 94 48

Lehmann Martin
Suisse alémaniqueLehmann Martin
Suisse alémaniquePhone:+41 79 393 83 25

Longo Jimmy
Tessin & Suisse alémaniqueLongo Jimmy
Tessin & Suisse alémaniquePhone:+41 79 958 65 00

Meyer Safrane
Suisse RomandeMeyer Safrane
Suisse RomandePhone:+41 79 332 94 54

Naselli David
Chief of Sales and Marketing OfficerNaselli David
Chief of Sales and Marketing OfficerMarketing | Marketing & Ventes
Phone:+41 79 631 58 80

Schornoz Sébastien
Suisse RomandeSchornoz Sébastien
Suisse RomandePhone:+41 79 508 63 97

Vuignier Etienne
Suisse RomandeVuignier Etienne
Suisse RomandePhone:+41 79 310 92 42
Customer Care

Cina Jason
Customer CareCina Jason
Customer CareSierre
Phone:+41 27 451 25 25

Delacombaz Mégane
Customer Care GlassmaniaDelacombaz Mégane
Customer Care GlassmaniaSierre
Phone:+41 27 451 25 41

Erismann Joel
Mobile:+41 79 274 45 33

Fernandez Patrick
Customer CareFernandez Patrick
Customer CareBioley-Orjulaz
Phone:+41 21 977 20 00

Ferrario Florence
Customer Care GlassmaniaFerrario Florence
Customer Care GlassmaniaSierre
Phone:+41 27 451 25 40

Hercent Corinne
Customer CareHercent Corinne
Customer CareBioley-Orjulaz
Phone:+41 21 977 20 07

Montani Laura
Customer CareMontani Laura
Customer CareSierre
Phone:+41 27 451 25 25

Verly Maurane
Customer CareVerly Maurane
Customer CareSierre
Phone:+41 27 451 25 25

Zenklusen Larissa
Coordinator Customer CareZenklusen Larissa
Coordinator Customer CareSierre
Phone:+41 27 451 25 25

Zufferey Maéva
MPE internZufferey Maéva
MPE internSierre
Phone:+41 27 451 25 30